Ariosto Suite is the right place for enjoying the real Estense atmosphere in a very special stay.
The finely decorated apartments, in an old charming building with a little inner courtyard, tipical of ancient palaces in Ferrara, are very well equipped with modern technology and conveniences.
All year round, Ferrara and other corners of the province play host to many high quality events...
yet more excuses to visit! The most important of these include the major art exhibitions in the Palazzo dei Diamanti, the Palio's games and races, Ferrara Buskers Festival, and the Ferrara Balloons Festival. The calendar also boasts other important rendezvous for music, sport, markets, as well as the traditional fairs and festivals, regular highlights in every part of this lively Province and unforgettable entertainment for the visitor.
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Ferrara Terra & Acqua »» www.ferraraterraeacqua.it